Monday, July 30, 2007


Miss is the word for Manic Monday: I TOTALLY missed posting on Monday for Manic Monday.....

Some totally random things come to mind when I hear or see the word "miss".

First and foremost in my mind: Janet Jackson, "I miss you muh uch...M-i-s-s-u Much..."

Then I think how calling someone Miss always seemed derogatory to me. I HATE it when someone calls me that. It's almost like they think I'm a little kid or something. When I was single and teaching I always had my students call me Ms. not Miss....not that there's a whole lot of distinction between the two....I just didn't want them writing out my name with Miss in front...UGH! It makes me think of some little old maid lady with grey hair and lots of doilies in her house. Probably a retired librarian....

Of course Mississippi is in my thoughts as well. MISS being the old postal abbreviation. My grandparents lived in Miss. and my grandmother's family is all from there. Yes, there is even a old platation owner in my past.....sorry but it's' the family had slaves. I had no control over it so please don't hold it against me. I would feel quite a-miss if you did.

Swiss Miss hot chocolate...Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I can feel the warmth in my hands and smell the warm scent of cocoa wafting up to my cold little winter red nose.

Lastly... things I miss. I miss Arkansas and the south. I miss my family, my dogs, my cat Helen who lives in Texass now..poor thing. My pre-baby figure. Being able to go to movies, sometimes teaching....lots of things...

Anyway that's my post for "miss"....


Ian said...

Yay for your first MM!

If you want the cool linky box, go here. You copy the "header" script into your template under the < head > tag. Then on your MM post, you copy the "autolink" script into the html at the bottom of the post.

Then make sure you go to Morgen's site and add your name to his link box. Standard MM protocol is you leave a comment anywhere you leave your link. :)


Lee said...

Thanks Ian,

I will work on my linking. I tried to find the "rules" but was having a hard time. I had totally meant to comment on you poem...but was having technical difficulties last night when I was doing everything....adding to my dilemma in links, etc.



Kelly O said...

I hear you -- I miss Arkansas sometimes, too, and driving down long stretches of highway with cotton fields on either side.

velvet said...

I miss cake... real cake. Mmmmm.

Fun miss list!

Mo and The Purries said...

Hi Lee -- I'm adding you to the Manic Monday blogroll. Please send your e-mail address to so I can e-mail you the html to add to your sidebar.
manic mo

Sarge Charlie said...

great start on mm